
从我们的多功能学生中心, 最大的学生宿舍, 体育运动设施, 和比德福德校区的海洋科学中心到我们的药房大楼, 口腔健康中心, 以及目前正在波特兰校区建设的跨专业健康科学中心, UNE’s construction projects over the past 20 years have embodied our desire to lessen our campuses’ environmental impact. 采用对环境负责的建筑方法, 例如重新利用挖掘的材料和尽可能多地回收建筑垃圾, 通过使用最新的技术来设计我们的建筑,使其尽可能地节能, 通过升级和改造我们的旧建筑,只要我们有能力, 我们正在一步步实现绿化校园的目标.



命名是为了纪念前UNE校长Danielle N. Ripich, Ripich共用, 一个三级, 多功能设施,旨在支持学生的日常需求, 具有许多创新和生态良好的特点, 包括鸟类安全玻璃, 哪个是应有环保意识的大学生的要求安装的. The building was constructed with regionally sourced materials as well as materials with high recycled content, and it sports 太阳能电池板 as the result of efforts by students in an Introduction to Environmental Studies class.

  • 建筑面向河流的一侧和通往图书馆的天桥上使用了防鸟玻璃, 作曲6,900平方英尺的防鸟玻璃, 哪一种玻璃占大楼总玻璃的63%.
  • Demand controlled kitchen ventilation in the dining hall employs innovative technology to adjust hood fan speeds depending on the cooking conditions of the appliances, 节省高达50%的能源成本.
  • 创新的洗碗机系统减少了水的消耗,并捕获了所有可堆肥的食物残渣.
  • The building is efficiently heated and cooled with water from the Biddeford校园’ central heating and central chiller plants via four rooftop units that transfer the thermal energy from the central plants to the ventilation system.
  • 高效电机, 球迷, 变速传动, and pumps all contribute to energy efficiency by ramping up or down to meet the real-time needs of the building.
  • Temperature sensors and automated controls provide air changes and temperature adjustments based on occupancy demand, 尽量减少暖气或空调的使用量.
  • A solar array on the side of the building converts the direct current electricity produced by the panels into alternating current electricity that can be used by the equipment in the building, 从而每年抵消约2.5吨的碳污染.
  • The building’s landscaping was designed to reduce and filter stormwater runoff by allowing water to seep through the paving stones and into the ground before reaching the Saco River, 谁的健康对成千上万的人和数以百计的动植物物种至关重要.
  • Sustainable building materials were prioritized for the construction of the building and include over a dozen types of products that are certified for various aspects of sustainability, 包括瓷砖, 包层, 隔音, 屋面材料, 地板材料, 和更多的.


建于2010年, Sokokis宿舍楼是我们最大的宿舍楼, 最多可容纳300名高年级学生入住套房. 带地板辐射采暖, 低流量管道装置, 和一个复杂的能源管理系统, it is the second of UNE’s two buildings that received silver level Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. The building’s landscaping showcases a pond that not only adds beauty and tranquility to the grounds but serves an important function in retaining storm water.

  • 从上面三层的自习室可以看到, Sokokis大厅的后入口和一楼的学生休息室有一个植被覆盖的屋顶, 与室外环境相融合,有助于建筑的隔热.
  • 18.建筑材料总价值的03%包括已提取的材料和/或产品, 收获, 或从项目现场500英里范围内的地点回收.
  • 饮用水的使用量减少了33%.7% from a calculated baseline through the installation of dual-flush water closets and low-flow lavatory faucets, 淋浴, 还有厨房水槽.
  • 所有室内胶粘剂, 密封剂, 油漆, 涂料, 及地毯均符合参考标准的低排放挥发性有机化合物限量.
  • 75%的废物在拆卸和建造阶段被转移、循环再造或回收, 和18.占总建筑材料含量的40%, 的价值, 是否使用回收材料制造.
  • High-efficiency condensing boilers and radiant floor heating provide an efficient and steady thermal comfort to building occupants.
  • 能量回收装置使用排风来预先处理进入建筑物的补充空气, 大大减少燃料的需求,以加热或冷却供气.
  • Sokokis大厅的场地设计涉及对水的使用的关注, incorporating a landscape plan that does not rely on irrigation and features an aesthetically pleasing stormwater retention pond.
  • Building energy management systems adjust the ventilation and temperature provided to match the occupancy needs, 从而提高效率,减少浪费.


A 145,000平方英尺的最先进的体育设施, 哈罗德·奥尔方德论坛建于2012年,并于2017年进行了扩建. From its highly efficient Ice Kube system that reclaims heat from the process of producing ice for the hockey rink to its locker room ventilation system that utilizes “air cleaners” to limit exhaust flow and heat escape, 该建筑是体育设施环境最佳实践的一个例子. 甚至用于维护冰的Zamboni和用于粉刷冰的卡车都是全电动汽车. 2024年,正规澳门赌场网络推出了321.哈罗德·阿尔方德论坛顶上的6千瓦太阳能电池阵列, 这是迄今为止中国在可再生能源领域最大、最引人注目的投资. 


  • 高效的冰库系统用于制造和维护溜冰场的冰, 回收制冰和维护过程中产生的废热,为溜冰场办公室供暖, 滑板出租场地, 而一楼大堂区域则通过地板辐射采暖.
  • High-efficiency condensing boilers and radiant floor heating provide an efficient and steady thermal comfort to building occupants.
  • 高效的汽车, 球迷, 变速传动, and pumps all contribute to energy efficiency by ramping up or down to meet the real-time needs of the building.
  • Subsurface stormwater treatment and retention chambers were designed to limit environmental impact to the site.
  • Polished concrete flooring reduced the need for 地毯 or other floor finishes that require more impactful cleaning equipment and chemicals to maintain.
  • 18间更衣室淋浴间的低流量管道装置可以节约用水, 洗衣设施和卫生间遍布整栋楼.
  • Locker room ventilation systems utilize “air cleaners” to limit exhaust flow and prevent heat from escaping the building, 从而减少对燃料的需求,以不断调整更衣室空间.
  • 应用在窗户上的太阳能薄膜限制了太阳的热增益, 减少夏季对空调的需求.
  • 溜冰场使用电动Zamboni来维护冰面,并使用全电动卡车来粉刷冰面, 从而形成一支零尾气排放的维修队伍.

亚瑟P. 吉拉德海洋科学中心

提供27,550平方英尺的空间, 包括5个内部泳池, 干湿实验室, 办公室, 和教室,潮汐泵系统和550,000加仑储罐, 亚瑟P. 吉拉德海洋科学中心成立于2001年,以支持海洋和环境项目学院. 在其他环保功能中, 这座建筑有一面太阳能热墙, 太阳能电池板, 还有一个节能的重力输送系统,可以将大量的海水输送进和输送出大楼. 

  • 太阳能热墙是南墙上的黑色金属包层, 用来预热建筑物的进气口, 从而减少了对室外送风的加热需求.
  • 54板太阳能光伏系统, 一半的费用由左海岸基金的斯科特·博达斯承担, 于2019年增加,每年产生约21兆瓦时的电力. 
  • The research and teaching activities within the building requires large quantities of seawater to flow through the pools. 而水泵则用于室外储罐的加注, 该系统由重力输送进出大楼, 节约能源使用和成本.
  • The many pumps and motors used within the building are made more efficient through the use of variable frequency drives.
  • 地漏通过管道输送到校园内的污水处理厂,以确保清洁的污水流入Saco河.
  • Radiant floor heating provides steady and efficient thermal comfort to the human and marine creature building occupants.
  • 天窗的使用, 一面墙:包含一排窗户的一段高墙, 帮助照亮建筑内部.



建于2009年, UNE’s School of Pharmacy building is one of two University buildings that have received silver level Leadership in Energy and Design (LEED) certification. 除了几个可持续的特点融入到结构中, 建筑本身的建造采用了可持续的做法. 例如, 从现场挖掘的材料被重新用作当地另一个建筑项目的清洁填充物, 78%的建筑垃圾得到回收利用,不再填埋和焚烧. 此外, 规划建筑的过程涉及到预留, 作为开放, 保存的保育空间, 面积是建筑面积的两倍.

  • 环境可持续材料的使用贯穿始终, 包括森林管理委员会认证的木材, 竹子, 和椴木.
  • 回收材料用于地板砖, 天花板, 地毯, 钢, 台面, 以及办公家具.
  • 在整个建筑的照明装置上使用了占用传感器,以减少用电量.
  • 高效的冷梁用于为办公室提供供暖和制冷, 教室, 和实验室. (这是该州第一个使用这项技术的建筑.)
  • 先进的机械系统, 叫做热轮, 从建筑物外排放的空气中回收80%以上的供暖和制冷.
  • 节能玻璃纤维窗户减少热量损失.
  • 与普通建筑相比,节水装置的使用减少了57%的用水量.
  • The roof overhang was designed to provide shade for the building’s windows at the peak of summer and to let the sun shine in on winter days to provide solar light and heat.
  • 外墙砖是在当地制造的,以减少材料的运输.


2013年建成, 正规澳门赌场网络口腔健康中心是正规澳门赌场网络口腔医学院的临床教育中心. 该建筑采用了多种节能系统和产品, 从热回收装置到高性能窗户和低于等级的隔热材料, and features gravity-fed underground structures that capture stormwater and gradually release it below ground level.

  • 雨水径流通过使用干井在校园进行处理, 减少对城市雨水系统的影响.
  • 等级以下的隔热材料提高了供暖系统的效率和建筑居住者的热舒适性.
  • 高性能窗户与低e玻璃减少热损失和增益, 节约供暖和制冷能源.
  • 高效机械系统, 包括冷凝锅炉, 变频驱动电机和泵, 热回收装置有助于节约运行能源.
  • 低流量管道装置有助于节约用水.


目前正在建设中,计划于2024年开放, 哈罗德和比比·阿方德健康科学中心(hachs)将是110,000平方英尺的定制, state-of-the-art facility serving as home to UNE’s College of 整骨疗法的医学 as well as a hub of interprofessional practice utilized by all of UNE’s health professions programs. HBACHS将采用节能窗户和机械系统, 包括水源热泵, 还有低流量的管道装置. 该建筑将成为碳意识建筑的典范, from its use of materials that require lower levels of carbon in the manufacturing process to its parking lot that provides electric charging to a fifth of all parking spots.

  • 大量木材, 特别是交叉层压木材, 是否会在大约40%的建筑中使用,以减少结构混凝土和内部饰面材料. (Use of mass timber lowers the embodied carbon of a structure and is aesthetically pleasing so further finish materials aren’t necessary.)
  • Polished concrete slabs will replace finished flooring to reduce the embodied carbon in the construction process and reduce the equipment and chemicals needed for cleaning carpets and tile.
  • 日光收集和100% LED照明控制将节省电力.
  • 水源热泵将用于建筑供暖. (这些比空气源热泵更有效,因为通过水的热量传递更稳定.)
  • 机械系统的能源效率将通过使用变频驱动器来实现, 能量回收装置, 和自动化逻辑构建控制.
  • 高性能窗户与低热量玻璃将减少热损失和增益, 节约供暖和制冷能源. 此外,遮阳板将防止过度的热增益.
  • Low-flow plumbing fixtures will contribute to water conservation efforts and have become standard in UNE building practices.
  • 配套的停车场将配备20%的电动汽车充电空间, 通过2级充电器和120v插座的组合.